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2015.01.27 Sri Lanka: Put civil society at the heart of the new presidential agenda

Together with Global civil society alliance, CIVICUS , IMADR issued a jo...

2014.12.18 Biased Rule of Law and Racial Discrimination in the US

IMADR condemns the recent decisions of grand jury in New York and Fergus...

2014.11.27 Violence against Dalit women (FMI 7th, 2014, OS)

IMADR submitted its intervention on “Violence against Dalit women” to th...

2014.11.26 Hate speech and discrimination against minorities in Japan (FMI 7th, 2014, OS)

IMADR presented its oral statement on “Hate speech and discrimination ag...

2014.11.04 Sri Lanka: Landslide Inundates Plantation (Human Development Organization)

According to the Human Development Organization (HDO), around 200 people...

2014.09.25 OHCHR investigation and reprisals in Sri Lanka (HRC 27th, 2014, Joint-OS)

IMADR presented its joint oral statement with Franciscans International ...

2014.09.22 Declaration on the right to peace (HRC 27th, 2014, OS)

IMADR presented its oral statement on “Declaration on the right to peace...

2014.09.18 Indigenous peoples’ access to justice in Nepal (HRC 27th, 2014, Joint-OS)

IMADR presented its joint oral statement with National Coalition Against...

2014.09.17 Indigenous peoples and natural disaster risk reduction in Nepal (HRC 27th, 2014, Joint-OS)

IMADR presented its joint oral statement with National Coalition Against...

2014.09.16 Repression on human rights defenders in Sri Lanka (HRC 27th, 2014, OS)

IMADR presented its oral statement on "Repression on human rights defend...

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