Summary Report – Racism in East Asia (2021)
Date : 2021.12.03
The Organising Committee for East Asia regional consultation published the 2021 Summary Report on Racism in East Asia.
It is an outcome document of the online series in examining the situation of racialised communities in Hong Kong, Japan and the Republic of Korea in the area of refugee protection, education and the issue of hate speech.
The report contains the following contents.
- Executive summary
- Background information
- Refugee Protection in East Asia: Changes and Challenges
- Government Education Policies and Barriers to Inclusion
- Bringing Stakeholders Together Against Hate Speech
The report is available in English. Japanese and Korean versions will be available soon.
The Organising Committee comprises of: IMADR; Japan NGO Network for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ERD Net); and the South Korean NGO Coalition for Monitoring the Domestic Implementation of the CERD.