13 Contemporary Forms Of Racial Discrimination

13 Contemporary Forms Of Racial Discrimination
Reflections of Our Times
Racial discrimination is not new, yet it is manifested in various forms based on different contexts that change from time to time, and place to place. This is a compilation of the latest information from human rights experts, researchers and movement leaders, all of whom have long been associated with IMADR and are well placed to observe the changes with our times.
Published in January, 2013
Published by IMADR
A5 Paperback (128 pages)
Price : US$12 (+Shipping Fee US$4)
Racial discrimination is not new, yet it is manifested in various forms based on different contexts that change from time to time, and place to place. This is a compilation of the latest information from human rights experts, researchers and movement leaders, all of whom have long been associated with IMADR and are well placed to observe the changes with our times.
- Foreword – Discrimination as a Sign of the Times (Kinhide Mushakoji)
- Racism and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America (Rodolfo Stavenhagen)
- Racism in Europe; current trends and threats (Theo van Boven)
- The Situation of Sinti and Roma in Germany and in Europe (Romani Rose)
- Travellers and Racism (Martin Collins)
- Gender and Racial Discrimination against Women Belonging to Minority Communities: A Perspective from South Asia (Nimalka Fernando)
- Racial Discrimination, Hate Speech and Hate Crimes in Japan: Some Outstanding Issues in Light of International Human Rights Law (Shin Hae Bong)
- Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation “Stigma and the realization of the human rights to water and sanitation” (Catarina de Albuquerque)
- IMADR Statements at the UN Human Rights Council
- Rabat Plan of Action on the prohibition of advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence