12 Minority Women Rise Up

12 Minority Women Rise Up
A Collaborative Survey on Ainu, Buraku and Korean Women in Japan This book focuses on the issue of multiple discrimination against minority women in Japan. It provides an introduction to Japan’s minorities, and explains the process that led to the minority women coming together to create a survey, and the results gleaned from it. It also includes recommendations made to the Japanese government and civil society.
Published in July, 2009
Published by IMADR
A5 Paperback (174 pages)
Price : US$12 (+Shipping Fee US$4)
This book focuses on the issue of multiple discrimination against minority women in Japan. It provides an introduction to Japan’s minorities, and explains the process that led to the minority women coming together to create a survey, and the results gleaned from it. It also includes recommendations made to the Japanese government and civil society.
- Introduction
- A Backgrounder on Japan’s Minorities
Part One: The Survey Report
- Purpose and Significance of the Survey
Section 1: What the Survey Findings Tell Us
- Ainu Women (Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Sapporo Branch)
- Buraku Women (Buraku Liberation League Central Women’s Division)
- Zainichi Korean Women (Apeuro Women’s Survey Project)
Section 2: Recommendations
Part Two: Voices of the Women Involved in the Survey
Section 1: Ainu Women
- The Empowerment of Ainu Women (Ryoko Tahara)
Section 2: Buraku Women
- A Survey that Connects Us, and a Step Towards a New Movement (Reiko Yamazaki)
Section 3: Zainichi Korean Women
- Challenging the Violence of Invisibility: Why we launched the Apeuro Women’s Survey Project (Yongnio Lee)
- Ainu, Buraku and Zainichi Korean Women Converge: Thoughts on “Coming Out” (Aisun Yang)
Addendum: Outlook
- My Personal Views on the Survey for Minority Women (Tomoko Yunomae)
- Future Tasks and Aspirations (Yuriko Hara)