UN: CERD invites civil society to join hands to end racial discrimination
Date : 2016.10.27
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) invites civil society organisations to attend its Consultation titled “Joining hands to end racial discrimination” during the 91st session on 23 November 2016 from 15:00 to 18:00 at the Palais des Nations, Conference Room XX.
The objective of the Consultations is to explore new and innovative ways for the Committee to work with civil society organizations to strengthen the implementation of the Convention. The Consultation will include discussions on three guiding questions outlined below. The Committee is requesting written responses from civil society organisations via email to cerd@ohchr.org with the subject consultation by 14 November 2016.
1. What are the key challenges and issues of racial discrimination in your country/region today and how do you work to address them?
2. What has been your experience, as civil society, of engaging with CERD to date?
3. How can the CERD improve and enhance its engagement with civil society, and its work on racial discrimination for greater impact on the ground?
For accreditation for the Consultations, fill out the registration form available here: https://goo.gl/6zfhnx and send it to the Secretariat by email to cerd@ohchr.org with the subject accreditation by 16 November 2016, latest .
For further information, please see the background note in English, French and Spanish . Information on this event is also available at the CERD website
under upcoming events.