Japan: Joint civil society report to CERD on racial discrimination in the country
Date : 2018.07.16
For the consideration of the 10th-11th combined periodic report of Japan by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
at its 96th session in August 2018, the Japan NGO Network for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ERD Net) submitted a joint civil society report on racial discrimination in Japan. IMADR works as the Secretariat of ERD Net. The report provide following information. Download the full report here
- Absence of anti-discrimination legislation
- Establishment of a national human rights institution
- Article 4 and Hate Speech and Hate Crimes
- Racist Statements by Politicians and Public Officials
- The right to education for Korean school children
- The right to leave and return to one’s country of permanent residents
- Limits on appointment and on promotion of foreign residents in public service
- Discriminatory treatment in appointment of foreign teachers
- Access by foreign nationals to the national pension scheme
- Access to Public Places and Facilities
- Discrimination against Koreans and other immigrants when seeking tenancy
- Migrant Workers and the Technical Intern Training Program
- Violence against foreign and minority women
- Long term detention of asylum seekers and undocumented migrants at the discretion of the Immigration Bureau
- Rights of foreigners to receive public assistance and to appeal
- Trafficking in persons
- Refugee Applicants, further from protection of their human rights
- Ethno-religious profiling of members of Muslim communities
- Buraku discrimination: Act on the Promotion of the Elimination of Buraku Discrimination
- Surveys to understand the actual situation of Buraku women
- Recognition of the people of Ryukyu/Okinawa as indigenous peoples
- Violation of Ryukyuan/Okinawan People’s Right to Self-determination
- Human rights/rights of children in Ryukyu/ Okinawa
- Rights of the people of Ryukyu/ Okinawa as indigenous people
- Rights of the Ainu as indigenous peoples
- Minority languages and text books
- The right to education for children of foreign nationalities and those with foreign backgrounds
- Korean women residents and multiple forms of discrimination
- Returnees from China