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Intersectional Feminism- The Interview Series

Date : 2024.03.29

Although the word, gender equality, is heard more frequently than ever, true gender equality will be realised solely when it is for ‘ALL’ women because women cannot be summed up to one as people have multiple identities. It is minority women whose voices are more silenced and whose rights are more restricted.. Yet, ‘minority women’ are not reducible to one too. Within the ‘minority women’, there is diversity and difference. In the interview series “Intersectional Feminism”, we have a conversation with activists of minority women about their experiences, activities, awareness, and so forth.

This series features voices of women of minority groups to comprehend the extent of inequalities, how their identities intersect in particular contexts, and how they resist the situations, labelling, or categorisation of ‘minority women’. Moreover, it aims to shed light on how people who are not categorised as ‘minority women’ can work WITH them for true gender equality and a more inclusive society, forging a sense of solidarity and allies.

Stay tuned to discover every interview in this series. This article will be updated as new interviews are added.

  1. It Is Still Urgent to Have Correct Historical Understandings”- Interview with Wooki Park-Kim

2. How Do We Change the Mentality of the Dominant Caste Community? - Interview with Judith Anne Lal

3. “I Am Keenly Aware of The Importance of Voicing Up” ー Interview with Yuko Oyakawa 

4. “I AM HERE TOO - Interview with Sumire (pseudonym)

5. ” We Need Open-Mindedness to Accept and Know Others ” ー Interview with Maya Sekine 

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