ICERD – 50 years of fighting racial discrimination: looking back and moving forward (26 November)
Date : 2015.10.27
– – – Message from the CERD team – – –
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
For half a century, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) has been the key international instrument in the fight against racism.
This year, ICERD turns 50, and we want to take the opportunity to celebrate and promote the work ICERD has done and will continue to do.
Festivities begin today 26 October 2015, with the launch of the “50 years of fighting racism” anniversary webpage:
The page features information about ICERD, as well as cards that can be downloaded, printed and sent out via email (or traditional snail mail) to show your support in the fight against racism.
Social media will also be a critical tool to help drive awareness of ICERD, within and across communities. We need your help to encourage NGOs, legal organizations, community activists from around the world to seek CERD’s help in bringing justice to victims of discrimination.
・ Join in the conversation on ICERD, by participating in our Facebook and Twitter discussions. There will be posts on ICERD every day this week, and in coming weeks.
・ On Facebook (
・ Look out for our tweets on Twitter (@UNrightswire), and follow them and share via re-tweeting.
・ Trend the conversation using our campaign hashtag #fightracism. We would love it if #fightracism could be the most used hashtag at some point during the launch week.
We will be hosting a discussion reflecting on the past 50 years of ICERD and identifying the challenges faced today, on 26 November 2015 at Palais des Nations (the concept note is available on the 50th anniversary website ( and the programme will follow in due course. Please join us.
Over the past half century ICERD has defended the rights of individuals and groups threatened by racial discrimination – let’s continue to fight together for a world free of racism!