2021.12.20 Joint NGO Letter: Protect Marginalized Groups in South Korea
IMADR joined the call of international NGOs and coalitions to the Nation...
2021.12.20 CERD 106th session: Bolivia, Cameroon, Estonia, Kazakhstan and Luxembourg (April 2022)
At its 106th session from 11th to 29th April 2022, the UN Committee on t...
2021.12.10 Publication: Child-friendly International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) and its standards
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Durban Declaration and ...
2021.12.09 CERD 105th session summary: Chile, Denmark, Singapore, Switzerland and Thailand
On the 3rd of December, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Di...
2021.12.03 Summary Report – Racism in East Asia (2021)
The Organising Committee for East Asia regional consultation published t...
2021.11.30 Joint Statement: States must support new UN body to counter anti-Black racism by ensuring the nomination of strong and independent experts
States must support new UN body to counter anti-Black racism by ensuri...
2021.10.18 CERD 105th session: Chile, Denmark, Singapore, Switzerland and Thailand (November 2021)
At its 105th session from 15th November to 3rd December 2021, the UN Com...
2021.09.14 Regional Webinar: “Bringing Stakeholders Together Against Hate Speech” (7 October 2021)
The Organising Committee for East Asia regional consultation invites...
2021.09.13 Open Appeal: Create UN Investigative Mechanism on Afghanistan
9 September 2021 Open appeal to UN Member States to ensure the adoption...
2021.09.02 CERD 104th session summary: Lebanon and the Netherlands
On the 25th of August, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Dis...
2021.09.01 UN: CERD follow-up letters to Colombia, El Salvador, Lithuania and Uzbekistan
At the 104th session which took place online from 9th to 25th August, th...
2021.08.17 Joint NGO Statement: Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan
17 August 2021 The undersigned organizations express their concern ...
2021.08.04 Submissions – 20th anniversary of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA)
In response to the call for inputs for her next General Assembly rep...
2021.07.28 Sri Lanka: Release Hejaaz Hizbullah and others denied due process under abusive law
Release Hejaaz Hizbullah and Others Denied Due Process under Abusive Law...
2021.07.07 Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Minority Issues: Conflict Prevention and the Protection of the Human Rights of Minorities (7-8 September, Online)
IMADR is partnering with the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issue...
2021.06.30 HRC47 Side Event: African, Extracontinental and Afro-descent Migration in Latin America (7 July 2021)
IMADR is co-sponsoring the online side event on “African, Extracontinent...
2021.06.24 Joint Communiqué: 2021 CERD election today – Need for greater geographic diversity and competition in future
Joint Communiqué 2021 CERD election today - Need for greater geographic...
2021.06.18 Regional Webinar: “Government Education Policies and Barriers to Inclusion” (6 July 2021)
The Organising Committee for East Asia regional consultation invites...
2021.06.07 TB-Net Statement: 33rd Meeting of Chairpersons of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies (2021)
TB-Net Statement 33rd Meeting of Chairpersons of the Human Rights Treat...
2021.06.02 CERD 104th session: Lebanon and the Netherlands (August 2021)
At its 104th session from 9th to 25th August 2021, the UN Committee on t...
2021.05.10 UN: CERD adopted concluding observations on Belgium at 103rd session
On the 30th of April, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Disc...
2021.05.04 UN: CERD follow-up letters to Iceland, Jordan, Mexico, Poland and the State of Palestine
At the 103rd session which took place online from 19th to 30th April, th...
2021.03.19 Regional Webinar: “Refugee Protection in East Asia: Changes and Challenges” (2 April 2021)
Organising Committee for East Asia regional consultation invites you...
2021.03.18 HRC46 Side Event: The Impact of Online Caste-Hate Speech (22 March 2021)
Together with FORUM-ASIA and Minority Rights Group, IMADR is holding an ...
2021.03.10 Online Event: Re-thinking for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in the face of Pandemic (17 March)
Japan NGO Network for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which IM...
2021.03.08 Statement: “Problem of Ramseyer’s Article on Buraku: from the Perspective of Human Rights and Non-Discrimination”
Alarmed by the article “On the Invention of Identity Politics: The Burak...
2021.02.22 CERD 103rd session: Belgium (April 2021)
At its 103rd session from 19th to 30th April 2021, the UN Committee on t...
2021.02.22 Open NGO letter for UN Human Rights Council’s actions on Sri Lanka
February 22, 2021 Re: Coalition of 22 Organizations Calls for New UN Hu...