2017.06.15 Japan’s arbitrary arrests and detention of Okinawan human rights defender (HRC35, 2017, Joint-OS)
On behalf of IMADR and Franciscans International, Mr. Hiroji Yamashiro d...
2017.06.13 Multiple discrimination and violence against Dalit and Buraku women and girls (HRC35, 2017, OS)
IMADR delivered its oral statement on “Multiple discrimination and viole...
2017.06.13 Freedom of expression in Okinawa/ Japan (HRC35, 2017, OS)
IMADR delivered its oral statement on “Freedom of expression in Okinawa/...
2017.05.09 Racial discrimination in migration (GCM 1st Thematic Discussion, 2017, OS)
IMADR delivered its oral statement on “Racial discrimination in migratio...
2017.04.03 Newsletter E-CONNECT No. 22 is out
On 3 April, we have issued our new issue of E-CONNECT. If you have not s...
2017.03.22 Sri Lanka’s transitional justice and reconciliation at a crossroads (HRC34, 2017, OS)
IMADR delivered its oral statement on “Sri Lanka's transitional justice ...
2017.03.17 Racial profiling and incitement to hatred in migration (HRC34, 2017, OS)
IMADR delivered its oral statement on “Racial profiling and incitement t...
2017.03.15 Minorities in Sri Lanka’s transitional justice (HRC34, 2017, OS)
IMADR statement on “Minorities in Sri Lanka's transitional justice” at t...
2017.03.15 Arbitrary arrests and detention of human rights defender of Ryukyu/ Okinawa, Japan (HRC34, 2017, Joint-OS)
IMADR delivered the joint oral statement with the Asia-Pacific Human Rig...
2017.02.27 Sri Lanka’s slow progress in transitional justice (HRC34, 2017, WS)
IMADR submitted a written statement on “Sri Lanka’s slow progress in tra...